Articles & Guides

Blog posts, articles, guides, and talks.

  • Addressing your team’s discovery gaps to build valuable, viable solutions

    Addressing your team’s discovery gaps to build valuable, viable solutions

    In our previous article, we used Teresa Torres’s “Opportunity Solution Tree” to understand the “why” behind a solution in progress. As we uncovered insights, outcomes, and assumptions, we likely found gaps in our tree.  Misalignment or uncertainty about customer insights exposes the team to risk. They may waste time and effort on solutions customers don’t want…


  • Reversing Teresa Torres’ “Opportunity Solution Tree” to find the “why” behind solutions

    Reversing Teresa Torres’ “Opportunity Solution Tree” to find the “why” behind solutions

    Discovery is my favorite part of the job.  I love seeing a need become a valuable action. I still remember the astonished gasp from a customer when she realized the new feature solved her most time-consuming workflow problem. Or the wave of relief from a team who discovered a simpler, and less expensive, approach to…


  • Build a foundation for success with an assessment

    Build a foundation for success with an assessment

    All organizations make trade-offs to get where they are. To meet its near-term goals, your organization had to make tough choices about what to prioritize vs. defer, which best practices to follow vs. shortcuts to take, and when to invest in the team vs. make do. Your team has made progress, and that’s good. It’s…


  • Get off the feature delivery treadmill by visualizing your future initiatives

    Get off the feature delivery treadmill by visualizing your future initiatives

    Working without a product vision is not sustainable Product vision can be a powerful thing. It tells a story of what’s possible and pulls people toward that change. A lack of vision can be insidious. At its best, it leads to missed potential. At its worst, it can lead to unmotivated, burned-out teams and a…


  • Giving and receiving design feedback effectively takes practice

    Giving and receiving design feedback effectively takes practice

    It’s not always easy to give and receive design feedback. A negative past experience might make a designer hesitant to ask for or participate in a review. Unfortunately, we can’t produce good work without getting or giving feedback. Practicing giving and receiving feedback will help us grow as a team. This guide provides an overview…


  • Design Review Best Practices

    Design Review Best Practices

    The goal of design reviews Design is an iterative and collaborative process. It takes many conversations to get from an initial idea to a complete product. Early conversations may be about getting alignment on the problem space. Other conversations may be about getting sign-off to start building the design in code. For this guide, we…


Tracey established many standards for Lab Zero’s design practice… [including] our standards & process for lean customer discovery, visualizing roadmaps, continuous design delivery and design critique.

Dean Baker

Head of Design, Lab Zero

Lets work together.