Paddle out for Maria

Pictures by Josh:

Surf: Waist-Shoulder High. Very foggy.

Maria emailed me months ago about surfing Santa Cruz. I was happy to paddle out with her, we’d exchanged a few emails in the past and she sounded like a pretty rad woman.

She mentioned in her email that she had stage four lung cancer and occasionally had a little bit of trouble breathing and wanted to let us know so we wouldn’t worry.

Had she not included that brief line in her email, I’d never have known she was sick. I’ll admit, I didn’t know what to expect since I’d never met her in real life, but here in the parking lot was this tough gal who couldn’t wait to paddle out. She tore it up out there. It was a big day and she was going for some great waves.

When I’d heard she’d passed away, I was stunned.

I’d had been some time since we’d talked, so in my mind she was still that same woman, tearing it up.

I feel pretty fortunate to have known her and even moreso to be able to make it to her paddle out.

The beach was socked in by fog during the ceremony. As we paddled out the sun appeared and there was a huge fogbow over the ocean. What a great way to remember a great woman.

Afterwards we paddled north to catch a few waves in the fog. Big and a little crowded, but fun.

Thanks for everything, Maria.

45 min

Surf: Waist-shoulder high and warbly.

Emotional minicoaster this morning. Paddling out I saw Hugh nail a really nice peeling lovely waist+ high right. Aww yeah! Expectations were up! Then I paddled around in the warbleness for a bit wondering if that wave was the only one. There were some thumping larger closeouts and some weird wrapping confusing lefterly rights. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of things.

There was a very very long lull and I was sure things were shut down for sure. Out of the blue it bumped to a lovely 45 min of organized, fun, beautiful waves.

Very stoked after that 45 min.

Fog Bow

Surf: Chest- Shoulder high. Little textured with some whompin closeouts.

I got there late and stood in the fog watching closeout after closeout. There were big booms from somewhere I couldn’t see and a hugh pack huddled up in the place I could see. Slowly the fog lifted and around the time the morning shift was packing it up, a Fog Bow appeared. What was closeoutcity fogfest became sunny prettyworkableville. There was some size out there for sure, things swung wildly between waist high and just above shoulder high. There were still plenty of closeouts but also a good bit of fun. I have lots of sand in my ears, but overall happy with the morning.


Surf: Waist-Shoulder high. Little closed out. Slightly offshore/sideshore.

Beautiful morning. Dramatic fog, sunshine, all that. Lots and lots of seabirds flying about.

The surf was a bit closed out in the morning, but for every two or three drop and wash monster there was something with a bit of a face. It looked like the later shift got the best of the morning. I watched lots of noserides and swooping turns as I suited up.

There’s some potential out there for some beautiful fall mornings headed our way. Trying not to get my hopes too high but it would be nice to see things clean up! 😀

Orange Soup

Surf: Waistish, junky, warbly and orange.

My first thought was UGH. Junky, onshore winds, red tide.
My second thought was “I’ve surfed worse.”
After paddling out I thought UGH again.

A few warbly waves in, it seemed not so bad. Took a lot of work to keep in trim and it certainly wasn’t pretty, but it was possible to link everything up and get some long rides out of the not so exciting looking soup.

Closing thought: “Well that wasn’t AWFUL” 😀

Welcome Back

Surf: Waist-Shoulder and fairly closed out.

Yay! After a month+ out of the water. Chris is back. What a day to come back for tho. Ooof.

I’d forgotten what it was like to squeeze lemonade out of stone cold closeouts. Hooooo ouch. There were makeable open face rides hidden away in the wash, but it was still a lot of thumping, grumping, and fog. Everything from Shoulder High closeout to Waist High mushjunker. As I left, it looked like more tide was helping with the close-out problem, but swamping things entirely.

Sneaking Out

Surf: Thigh-Waist High. Fairly clean.

Work’s been hectic and unpleasant. I was finally able to patch up my 9’4 and the waves were looking mellow and nice so I snuck out of work to go surf.

Surf, as it turned out, was pretty mellow. Caught a few before the tide went out and the surf junked up. Lovely sun, lovely sunset.

Hilux Surf

Surf: Waist high, clean, crisp. Little crowded.

Fun loggy surf this morning. I carpooled with Robert and the Hilux, tossing all the gear in the truckbed. Lots easier than tying things down. Plenty of sunshine out on the water and not too shabby wavewise. Fun smooth waves on the longboard.

Full moon swell

Surf: Waist high, a few standouts. Little junky.

What a moon this morning! Plenty beautiful sky, but the surf was not terrible clean. Waves were rideable and all around not bad. Hopefully things will clean up with some of the new fall swells.

Friendly Bolinas

Surf: Thigh high and a little ragged.

I haven’t been getting that much weekday time in. Too many morning meetings, too little motivation, and well, kinda junky surf.

Andrew decided it was time for his quarterly surf session so we headed to Bolinas. Ran into quite a few people in the lot. Waves were small and a little rough, but rideable and good for catching white water. You can’t really argue with sunshine.