Desperado Bo




Surf: 4.6 ft at 7.7 s from the NW at 304°. High tide. Light to med NW winds.

Unexpected Saturday detour north. I packed a bag full of beach-hangout supplies fully expecting little to no surf. To my surprise, there was a small desperado wave just nice enough to merit checking it out.

I had my hull with me (I can’t fit my log in the Westie) so it took a few waves for me to remember how to surf it. OnceI got up and running, I founds some actual wave type things! Yessss. What a workout hunting down little scraps on a little scrappy board.

There was an RC surfer out, too. I’ve never seen one in real life, but it look like it’s owner was having a blast.

Left 75° and sunny Bo to head back to the insanely foggy city. Wow. We drove over Mt Tam, then back down to Hawk Hill and it was almost zero visibility. We had white fog, blue fog, orange fog (that was confusing), rain, and wind on the way back. Fun fun.