Thursday Morning: C Street


Surf: 2.0 ft at 18.2 s from the S at 186°. Low tide and incoming. Glassy.

I was slow to get moving this morning, but tried my best to rally as we were meeting Derek at C Street at 6:30.

Pulling up, the surf looked so fun. Super smooth and much better shape from the evening before. Oh man it was nice. Sure, some waves took some paddling to chance down, but overall it was a perfect june gloomy surfy morning.

It was great to catch up with Derek. We got a couple fun party waves in plus plenty of nice ones for both him and Chris.

After Derek headed off to work, we hit up Pete’s Breakfast House. I wolfed down a waffle, potatoes, eggs, and sausage like it was nothing. What a solid post-surf “Yes I’m going to eat all of this so double the bacon” spot.

We hit up County Line after. That place was big. The swell was cutting in just right that it was well overhead and just slamming shut on the inside. Between the whomp and the food coma, I decided to just watch. People were tearing it up out there. Yew.

I bet it’s already huge down in San O and only getting bigger. 😮