Beautiful weather and closeouts.

Surf: 3.6 ft at 6.7 s from the WNW at 303°. Rapidly outgoing tide. Light offshore.
The tide was rapidly going out and most of the waves were slamming shut in the shallows, but what a nice day to be out at the beach. I had a couple where the wind worked with me and the wave managed to keep just enough face that it seemed like a real ride.
I shared a wave with Little G. She’s starting to get the hang of her soft top! Happy to party wave with that kiddo any time.


Surf: 6.1ft @ 15s from the WNW At 293°

Very overdue first surf of the new year. Chilly, offshore, and a little wave or two with these characters.

I have a ton on journaling debt to catch up on. If you actually read this thing: I’m sorry. In the mean time: hoping to get in as much surf as I can. 🙂

Happy new year!